I tried that too and she wasn’t having it lol which is so weird because I thought she would love it cus she LOVES yogurt and cheese but no. Also don’t know if it’s because she’s under the weather/teething so I’m gonna keep trying @Megan
@Emily 💗 i hope she feels better soon ♥️
Mine like the whole milk more than formula
I started with half and half. Then added more of the almond milk as I went along. Also, when they’re teething it hurts to suck in a bottle.
I’m still transitioning. Taking it slow but we started with 1oz of whole milk with his regular formula and then 2oz of whole milk then 3 and so on until they’re drinking just whole milk. It’s been a slow process because my baby didn’t want to drink it at first but now we’re only adding 1oz of formula and when we’re done with this container that’s it.
Ok period ima try to gradually add it & see @Maddy
Ooouu that’s a good idea ima have to try that @Danielle
We did what @Maddy did. Started small with one oz of whole milk and after 2 to 3 days went to 2oz, 2-3 more days went to 4oz whole milk with 2 oz formula. We are finishing our last can and then will completely go to whole milk. We probably only have 3 (2oz bottles) of formula left so today I gave one bottle of all whole milk, still warmed like his usual bottles and he did well.
@Danielle would a straw cup be better?
My baby girl will drink it, but when she starts acting like she don’t want it, I’ll throw a scoop of formula in and shake it like i would and she drinks it