Day 3 to Day 5 failure

Hi everyone, We’ve just had our first cycle of ivf with create in Manchester. We retrieved 15 eggs, 12 were mature, 11 were fertilised. On Day 3, we had 7 top quality embryos (8-10 cells), 2 average and 2 below average. Obviously we were over the moon and so positive. On Day 5 they rang to say none had reached blast stage? They left them until Day 6 and still none were good enough. The best quality one they had was 3CD. I just don’t understand? We have 2 children that we conceived naturally with no problems. We are having ivf because my husband and I are carriers of a genetic condition which we have 25% chance of passing on. Our daughter is affected. Our son isn’t. We didn’t know all this when we conceived him. Any help and tips would be great as we are so confused, disappointed and upset by the news. His sperm analysis results were good but he hasn’t had a DNA fragmentation test which I’m hoping the clinic might suggest. Thank you x
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i’m so sorry to hear this. i don’t have any advice around dna fragmentation because we are using donor sperm, but i just wanted to send solidarity as i also went through a very disappointing ivf round the other month so know how awful it feels. it can all turn around if you are able to go again though- i’ve just been through a second round and was able to get a much better result (in comparison to my first which resulted in no blasts) second time round. x

That’s really good to hear. We’re thinking of having another go with the current clinic and then maybe a third and final round elsewhere? What stage are you up to with this cycle? Xx

i’ve just had some day 5/6 embryos frozen for a first transfer in the new year. feeling very fortunate to have got that far. still very much at a precarious stage, but trying to remain positive! i also considered changing clinics as wasn’t feeling super happy after my first round x

Oh that’s great!! that’s exactly what we were hoping for. Aww I’m made up for you. It’s definitely given me hope that that could still be the case for me. What did they change (if anything) with your cycle and how long was it between cycles xx got everything crossed for you xx

aw thank you. i changed to a completely different type of gonadotropin, increased to a pretty high dose (450) and stimmed for a lot longer (14 days) as my follicles grew a lot more slowly despite the higher dose. i also did estrogen priming. i increased my dosage of coq10 too. i didn’t have a break between cycles. i’m sure your consultant will have some ideas about what you can change. x

That’s really helpful thank you xxxx 🙏🏼 which clinic did you use also?

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