Right. I had twin fraternal girls so it just said there was no Y chromosome detected. I was convinced it was wrong and I was having one of each, but it wasn’t!
@Kate not anymore. My twins are 20m old and my results told me that it was one of each at 10 weeks.
Here's my results! Blood draw at 10 weeks, one boy one girl! Totally accurate they are now 20m old(: I worked in OB and they came and did a lunch and learn for us right after they got the technology for twins. They explained that now they will take Baby As DNA, compare it to mom's, then compare Baby Bs to Baby As and distinguish both genders separately. And after working in OB, 21 nieces and nephews, and my own twins, I can confidently say blood is more accurate than ultrasounds.
It depends on the company you use. I had boy/girl twins last year. With the company I used, as @Kate says, I was just told that at least one baby was male. I then found out at my next scan that one was male, and the other was female x
My results say “MALE” so it could still mean one might be female?
@Emily yep! If it only listed one gender then it means at least one is male unless their identical then obviously both male. I'm sorry you didn't get a more in depth result! Natera was always so fun to see come in for our twin mama patients
The problem with the NIPT gender results with fraternal twins is that if one is male it can tell you there's a Y chromosome present but can't tell you if both are boys or if one is a girl so really you have to wait until an ultrasound can confirm gender.