Partner is disgusting

How hard is it to piss in the fucking toilet bowl? Seriously🙄 I've came up the toilet after him and there is piss all over the floor. Had to grab the mop to clean it up. Seriously why are men like this? Id expect it if he was drunk. But seriously what the actual fuck 🤮
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I’m always saying about cleaning the toliet . U should have told ur partner to clean! My partner is pretty hairy so hair left on toliet seat sometimes ! It’s like having another kid. 🤦‍♀️

Yuck! Get him to sit down to pee if he can’t not make a mess.

My husband has our ensuite, I have the main bathroom, and we don't touch the powder room as it's for guests 🤣 I refuse to even walk in the ensuite because it's disgusting 😂😭

@Ole he doesn't use a toilet brush. I'm the only one who cleans the toilet 🤷

ew no absolutely not. i would not be cleaning up after him. i don’t know why people make excuses for these men like they are not fully grown adults! it is not normal and it ain’t okay, you keep mothering him and cleaning for him he’ll never learn. you have children already you don’t need another.

@Ellie-May I second this - he doesn't use a toilet brush because he knows you're going to do it for him!

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