I personally wouldn’t purchase a breast pump before establishing breastfeeding as you just don’t know what might happen (unless you’re perhaps a second+ timer!) and I wouldn’t want to waste money if it didn’t work out. Amazon next day delivery is your best friend then 💪🏻 Perhaps a hakka ahead of time is a good idea because that’s not bank breaking and can be helpful. Spectra is meant to be good/hospital grade albeit not hands free. I used Elvie last time but that was 2021/22 and there may be better ones out there now.
My friend (who had her first baby in April) said the same as Madeleine best not to rush to buy the pump before baby comes as they are expensive and you might not end up using it. She said she used the Elvie stride electric pump and also had elvie catch.
Definitely best to be prepared for all outcomes. Some people will solely express and bottle feed too so a pump is a good purchase. I personally went for a momcozy S12. I’m no expert as this is my first too. I don’t think you need an expensive one in the first instance you could get a hand pump as a cheaper alternative until breast feeding is established or you feel you need to upgrade