Our LO also didn’t like being spoonfed, she still fights it now but she will happily eat what we eat! She prefers holding the food herself and at first didn’t eat much but now she’ll play and eat a fair amount. Instead of making separate we just take bits from our plates and she has that.
My LG is the same, sometimes she’ll eat but it’s normally very little and she just plays with the rest. I’m feeling a bit defeated but I do keep trying and I’m sure one day it will all change..
@Sophie what sort of thing are you giving for her to feed herself?
How is she with purees if you feed her ? We are on purees and textured foods that I feed and baby is having them
My baby was having a meal a day, quite happily (puree and a couple of finger foods), then we tried upping to 2 meals a day and she started point blank refusing EVERYTHING, I tried 3 times on Saturday and Sunday to offer her all different kinds of stuff and she just wouldn't touch it, I cried, she cried lol it was so stressful, but then weirdly from yesterday and today she's happily had 3 meals and is absolutely loving it...don't feel too defeated, just keep trying and one day you'll find he just suddenly takes to it ☺️
My son (2nd child) wasn’t interested in food at all, until he was over a year of age. He’s 12, and he eats all the time. 😂 I wouldn’t worry to much, he’ll eventually be interested in solids. My youngest (5th child), is the opposite, she love’s trying new foods.
My LB really enjoys finger foods. We started off with veggies such as sweet potato , cauliflower , broccoli all boiled/steamed, I gave it in his hands and at the same time I had some mashed up which I would give in a spoon
Just a thought, what spoon are you using? I saw a video the other day and it was about silicone plates and cutlery & how apparently it has a funny taste… my LB was refusing from my silicone spoon but then my partner tried the same food with a plastic and away my baby went happy as anything. X
She has tried and enjoys most store brand veggie sticks, melt stick, biscuits etc. she also likes to chew on fruit, she has home made wedges, literally whatever we eat she’ll just dig her hand in and shove in her mouth. Sometimes we will make bigger chunks for her
Thank you all so so much! This has honestly made me feel a lot better. Just got to keep going 😅
Mine is the same , I just had to keep trying and trying. He just plays with it most the time 😂 I think keep trying with finger foods and he’ll eat when he’s ready