@Mackenzie thank you so much I’m going to do those exercises rn
The contractions sound like Braxton hicks. These are practices contractions preparing your body for the real deal. This is usually the time when you’ll have them. With more pregnancies you might get them earlier. I’ve had random Braxton hicks since 25 weeks- currently 33 weeks. The 3rd trimester is rough and nobody ever tells you what to expect but I’ve been through a ton with my 4 pregnancies! Try your best to strengthen your pelvic floor. People don’t realize how important that is for regular every day life especially when you’re carrying and pushing out a baby. If you have any questions please feel free to ask!
You just described my current situation. My doctor, yesterday, told me that it comes with the territory. 🙃
@Haley if my doctor said that he would get punched 😭😂
I’m 33 weeks, measuring 33 weeks, but my baby is measuring 36 weeks. And my OB just said I’m just in for a sucky time 😂😂 I do love the honesty, but gahhh my body just hurts
If you don’t already, find a Webster-certified chiropractor! Mine has done wonders for my low back and pelvic pain and I highly recommend it!
@Lauren I went to the hospital and he said take tylonol like I haven’t already😭 I go to my high risk dr and normal Dr tmr and I’m really about to tell them to induce me bc this shit hurts sooooooo bad
pregnant with #4. Sounds like you’re carrying baby low which means lots of added pressure to your pelvis. Sounds also like you have a weak pelvic floor which means muscles are straining and pulling other things down with it- tailbone, lower back, even your butt. Think mermaid when you’re getting up from bed. Don’t sit straight up, kind of roll on your side, knees together, and slowly kind of roll off. When getting into bed sit first, then do reverse mermaid and slowly roll into bed, knees together. I highly recommend pelvic floor exercises. Literally lay on your back with your feet on the wall, knees bent at 90 degrees, and tilt your hips up. Hold for a few seconds and release. Do that for a couple minutes. I take magnesium glycinate. Helps keep me decently regular. I also recommend a belly band and/or KT tape. This helps take pressure off the pelvis. The tape works great and you can keep it on for a few days. I wear my belly band if I’m going to be standing a lot.