TTC - kits

This is my first time using ovulation kits. I feel as though I’m ovulating (discharge, one sided pain and increase in libido) but this is low? Could I have just missed it or is it coming? My cycle is between 33-47 days in length so I ovulate later than most hence CD19.
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You need to test 2-3 times a day during your predicted fertile window in order to catch it. Some people peak really quickly so tests will go from negative to positive to peak within hours!

@Charley I don’t have regular periods so I never know when my window is and my app predicts it to be 2 weeks long as a result. My cycles vary from 33-47 days damn pcos!!! X

@Shannon ah tricky then. So the advice would usually be to test twice a day throughout your whole cycle then, in order to get enough information to narrow down your fertile window

@Charley thank you! I have ovulation symptoms so that’s why I started testing today will keep an eye on it the next week :) x

@Shannon you can peak pretty fast too. I've been low one day then peaking 2 days later! X

@Chelsea wow!! Thanks for this 🥰🥰

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