I had my second cervix check yesterday (38 weeks) and I’m 2cm dilated, 50% effaced. I was 1cm dilated 2 weeks ago. I’m a little disappointed because I want this child out but same time, I’m chilling. It’s hubby who wants the child to come out already 🤣 My next appointment (39 weeks), I’m getting a membrane sweep.
At 37 weeks = 0cm dilated :( and I’m 38 weeks tomorrow so we will see!!
36 weeks and I’m 4cm dilated and 100% effaced and have been for a week now. I’m not disappointed or reassured because I know dilation doesn’t truly mean anything. You can be at a 2cm for weeks. It’ll happen when it happens
I was 50% effaced but not dilated at 36 weeks, I was the same at 38 weeks and that made me a little disappointed but I know it could change at anytime. Today at my 39 week appointment I am still only 50% effaced but finally 1 cm dilated so that gave me some encouragement. I’ve never gone into labor on my own so I’m just trying everything I can to get it going this time!
This time around my doctor hasn’t checked my cervix. So i have no clue where i am
About to get my first one so I’ll let you know haha