I’m also negative. I received the rhogam infusion during pregnancy. If baby’s blood type is positive you will get another at birth. My experience was nothing crazy, but it helps prevent your body from creating antibodies. I was told it won’t likely affect your first pregnancy, but helps prevent those antibodies from being created in future pregnancies. Congratulations on your pregnancy! Praying for comfort and an easy pregnancy/labor!
Also negative! Just received a shot around 27 weeks and my LO is O- so didn’t need to get another after birth. Other than that it wasn’t brought up again.
Did they want to call you to speak with you about you blood results after your first appointment?
Just your blood test results or after the infusion?
Just blood test results
No but every doctor is different. They may want to discuss the rhogam process and when you’ll get it.
I was just told at my next visit because that was protocol for my dr. I second Kayla though, every Dr is different!
Look into sara wickham if you want a more detailed explanation and want to make an informed choice. And remember it is a choice... even if it's not delivered to you as a choice
Hey I’m A neg. So if you’re pregnant you’ll be offered your anti D injection. This helps as you’re rhesus negative and stops rhesus disease if your baby is rhesus positive. I’ve had two babies and had the infection both times with no issues. If you do have a bleed or a bump you will need to have it again, which I did on my second pregnancy as I was bleeding at around 28 weeks. But again everything was fine. Hope this helps 😊