Haven’t tried on the knee but have been eating at the same time so I’ll give that a go. Foods are needed after 6 months according to the NHS and unicef though. Unicef says: At 6 months of age, breastmilk continues to be a vital source of nutrition; but it’s not enough by itself. https://www.unicef.org/parenting/food-nutrition/feeding-your-baby-6-12-months#:~:text=Begin%20with%20two%20to%20three,day%2C%20plus%20a%20healthy%20snack.
Babies still get all the nutrition they need from just bm or formula, I’m in a group called “weaning the BLW way” which is really sourceful and that’s where I got all my logic from, definitely recommend adding the group on fb x
Just honestly keep trying and being persistent! My LO took maybe a whole month before he understood opening his mouth and swallowing and now he’s on 3 meals a day x
Foods before 1 year old are just for exploring and grasping the concept of eating so I wouldn’t worry too much as he’s still so young. Have you tried to feed him whilst he’s sat on your knee? What about eating at the same time as him so he understands when it’s meal time? X