Routine advice!!!
I’m a ftm to 4 month old (nearly 5) twin girlies. I’m looking to change our routine to get an earlier bedtime and need advice ..
Our current routine looks like this ..
6.30am - wake, change and feed (7oz)
8am/8.30am - first nap
10am - wake, change and feed (7oz)
10.30am - play
11.00am until 1.30/2pm - big sleep
2pm - wake, change and feed (7oz)
2.30pm until 3.30/4pm - nap
From 4pm - awake and play
6pm - wake, change and feed (7oz)
7pm - awake for play
8pm - nap but can vary
9pm/10pm - bath, last bottle (7oz) and bed
How do I bring bedtime forward? I feel like both girls are getting so angry at night because they are tired but fight right up until the last bottle is given at 9/10. They sleep through the night.
I’m reluctant to let them sleep in later in the morning as I need the help in the morning before my partner goes to work.
If I bring bedtime forward and give them a bath at 6 and then do bottle should I be changing the oz? To make it a bigger bottle and then giving a smaller oz “dream feed” at 10? I don’t know what to do 🤣🤣 should I even be changing anything at the moment as they are sleeping through the night? Wish there was a manual for times like this 🫠🤪
Any help appreciated x
I would try capping the first two naps at 1.5 hours then a third nap of 30-40 mins. Wake windows of closer to two hours ♥️xxx