I agree with @Brenna. I had a C section and LO is almost 5 weeks. Nursing is slowly getting better but he still gets 2-3 formula bottles a day. He's just SO hungry! But it's gotten a lot better as time has passed. We were on mostly formula in week 1 and now we mostly breastfeed. You're doing great!
It's completely OK to combi feed or give formula if that is what you want. Breastfeeding is very much supply and demand, so in the first 6 weeks whilst your body learns how much milk to make, it's good to keep feeding baby if you want to breastfeed exclusively. Or replace a feed with pumping if you give a formula bottle. Late evening, supply dips and it might seem there isn't enough for this reason. Babies tend to get frustrated or cluster feed at this time. Don't feel guilty for however you choose to feed them. You're doing your best and they're being fed. Noone looks at an adult and can tell how they were fed as a baby. You've got this đź’• x
@Kelsey @Brenna @Emily Thank you so much everyone đź’– beyond reassuring, going to keep up with it and not let it get me down as long as she is fed is all that matters
I had a c-section too. I don't know if it has anything to do with it but my milk really came in toward the middle of week 2. Don't be too hard on yourself, even if your supply doesn't increase. I'm 11 weeks in now with my baby and he still gets occasional formula bottles when I can't keep up with him. Fed is best. You've got this.