That good! You started from 3 month it other thing, my is 7 month and started understand that I leave him with someone and cry…
My son (#2) will happily go to anyone. He's so chilled out, so starting daycare 4 weeks ago with him was a breeze. My first son, however, was not so chill. He's 3 now and absolutely adores daycare (asks to go at the weekend!). We started him for 1 hour on day one. Then on day 2 it was something like 4 hrs. Then on day 3 we did a full day. There was still occasional tears some mornings at drop off, even weeks into it but at pick up he ALWAYS wanted to stay and play at daycare so we knew he loved it. The other thing we did with my first son was take family photos into daycare so if he got really upset they would sit down with him and he could look at the photos.
We have a private babysitter that we’ve been using since she was 3m old. It’s just our baby and the babysitters kids. She loves it there and she goes 2days a week for 7hrs a day. We pay $210 a week so like $15an hour.