Can you get implantation bleeding after positive tests?

I had a super faint postitive yesterday and this morning had very clear positives (see picture). I did 4 as didn’t believe it. However, I’ve just gone to the toilet and noticed blood. Can implantation bleeding happen after positive tests? There has only been about an hour between the positive tests and the bleeding. I am around 12/13 DPO and would be due my period from today/next couple of days. Thanks!
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I think bleeding in early pregnancy can happen and not necessarily something to worry about. Congratulations on your positives!

Bleeding in early pregnancy is very common

I also bled early on (for 9 days straight) plus a big bleed at 12 weeks and both turned out to be completely ok. I’m now 33wks along and all well. So not all bleeding is bad news. If it gets worse or your tests start showing fainter/negative and you’re concerned just call your local EPU and they’ll be able to hopefully put your mind at rest. But those look like strong positives to me for 12dpo. Congratulations 🥰

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