@Wendi sadly no 😭 the baby father live out of state but he won't take me in cause of his new gf and I can't they keep calling the crisis hot line EVERY time I try to leave and they literally rip my son from my hands and take him upstairs away from me or downstairs away from me and every time I try to take my son they threaten to call the cops on me even if I did do that No judge or anyone will believe me they make it seem like I'm CRAZY. I have NO money on me the best thing I have is food stamps NOT to mention she use my baby father against me and turn him against me and weaponize him too
You can get an order of protection if they are threatening to take your son away everytime you refuse to comply to their will. I would get that first then try to go to a shelter. And start from there if you can’t get your own place. You can live or be near them if you want this to stop. They can help you get back on your feet.
They have threatened me multiple times .. 😩 ... numerous occasions I just peep it all .. I can't cause I have legal issues going on sadly and the fact she Is in CHARGE of it all ..
Have you taken a step back to view your actions in the past couple years?
Is there any way you can take your child and leave the state? Go to a shelter ? Get an order of protection against them?