Baby weightloss/expressing

My baby girl is 9 days old, she originally lost 7.5% of her weight, then gained an oz but unfortunately she has lost that again. We’ve been advised to supplement her feeds with formula however she seems to be throwing up after every formula feed. We use slow flow teats and follow paced feeding but she’s still throwing up. I am trying to express enough to give her breast milk instead however sometimes when I express I get 90ml all together, sometimes I get 30ml, sometimes I get even less. What can I do to increase my supply? How often should I express? She’s currently feeding every 2.5 hours. Thanks!
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i expressed to feed my lo i pumped every 2 hours to help my milk supply build up and i did a power pump 20/30min off 10on 10off 10on im now getting 120ml each side and have a good freezer stash

i did a power pump once a day ^

@Abby I’ve only managed to express 2oz today over two sittings whereas yesterday I expressed 3oz in one go. I’ll give power pumping a go 🥰

it can take a while for ur supply to establish i’m 6 weeks pp and my supply is only just becoming regular before i was getting 60ml sometimes 120ml others it was all over the place but i just kept a strict pumping routine and that’s really helped make sure that your also drinking and eating plenty x

@Abby aah that’s good to know! Thank you :) hopefully it picks up soon!

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