We had this. My LO started settling at the start of October (I was due to go back to work 12 Nov) and was in everyday settling until half term. Most of that month I was with him and left for 10-20 mins a few times. After half term, I was due back to work the week after and had to leave him to settle and it was HELL. He hated it so much and I had to get him after less than an hour sometimes. I started work and he still wasn’t ready to start properly, so his dad had to take the week off to continue settling. The week after he had to just start and we had to throw him in the deep end with full days 3x a week. He had a few moments for the first couple days but we’re now third week in and he’s doing amazing!! No crying unless it’s for a good reason, bonding with his key worker and the other ladies in the room and no more crying at drop offs!
It literally just switches overnight. I thought there was no end in sight and he would never ever settle but I think he just needed longer days to get used to the routine and it worked. There is light at the end of the tunnel I promise. I searched for hours for messages like these, so hope I’ve helped. Sorry for the long messages 😅
My LB was quite unsettled when starting nursery. I just talk to him about the day he's going to have in a positive and upbeat tone and that he's going to play with his new friends He is starting to settle with his key worker relatively quickly now. It's just then getting used to the routine of it. Ours was a bit rushed as I ended up having to return to work sooner than planned (they initially sent me the wrong rota and didn't tell me until the day before!)