Formula to milk

Went and got my baby's 1 year check up & needles. My doc doesn't say much inless I ask him about something. I asked him about starting him on milk, and he said to water milk down 🙃. Am I just crazy or is this something people do ?! I'd assume so it's not as strong of a taste, but he said I shouldn't mix his formula and milk together either. What did everyone else do getting their kids from formula to 3% milk ?
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I have never heard that one before both my 1st and 2nd went straight to cows milk

I used normal 3 letre of pasteurized milk so if I remember correctly it's already watered down I would water down the milk if it straight from the cow though

My baby 11 months old her doctor said that can slowly start cow milk, don’t hear anything about water milk down .

@Merve yeah, I even questioned him, and he says it's normal practices. I have never herd of any other moms doing this.

What? Noo, and why not whole milk? 3% milk is mainly water

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