Second pregnancy?

Can I hear everyone’s experience having a second child? It makes me very nervous, my pregnancy was great but it’s the labor and healing process after I have a hard time with. Also worried my son wouldn’t be happy or would get jealous, also general management raising two kids. My son wants a baby brother but what if he changes his mind and I feel horrible or I have a daughter and there’s a disconnect 😭 I have no relationship with my brother so I’m worried about that.
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Honestly going from 0 to 1 kids was sooo much harder than going from 1-2 imo. You kinda already know what to expect so it goes a little smoother. Labor and postpartum (for me) was great! I didn’t go through any postpartum depression like I did my first and I labored for only an hour with my second compared to the 15 with my first 😅. I would explain to your son as best as he’ll understand you have no control if it’s going to be a boy or girl. Once you know the gender just hype him up about how fun it’ll be having a brother or sister. My boys are 3 and 9 months and absolutely ADORE each other! My oldest loves being a big brother and is obsessed with his little brother. And my 1st was extremely spoiled since he was the only baby on both sides and he has adapted so well not being the only one anymore.

My 2021 son is my second born. My older son (6) loves his brother. A few pieces of advice. Don’t take sides. Listen to both, they say something general, like “It sounds like both of you made some choices that hurt the other one’s feelings”. Let them work it out. Also, when one is the aggressor, call their attention to their brother’s face. “How do you think he feels right now?” Also, it is commonly accepted that second born children are feral lol. Mine definitely follows this stereotype. Definitely real up on conscious discipline. It’s really helpful. Lastly, know that your relationship with your older child will change. It has to. But that doesn’t have to be a bad thing. You get to see your son become a big brother. You get to see him be more. And he’ll have a best friend for the rest of his life. That’s a wonderful thing. It will all be okay, mama.

@Veronica I honestly don’t know what was different the second time around. I don’t recall doing anything different postpartum maybe besides keeping up with my postnatals, eating and sleeping better. Idk if that had anything to do with it tho. A lot of my ppd was I think mourning my life before I had my first… I didn’t really mourn the life I had before my second because it was almost the same and I knew what to expect. This is me just assuming because I really don’t know. I 100% understand you not wanting to go through it again, it could be extremely tough.

I’m 3.5 PP and kicked back very quick. I notice my milk supply causes my weight to fluctuate. The labor was interesting. I had false labor for months before so when the real labor came in I was desensitized. She came out within an hour of going to the hospital. lol

I had my second June baby this year and boy it’s rough some days. My 2021 baby was really jealous and cried a lot the first month but now is in love with her little sister and is so caring and nurturing. Pregnancy was definitely harder the second time but my labor was so fast! I literally woke up at almost 4am and baby was born by 720! I barley made it to the hospital I wasn’t even able to get the epidural because baby came so quick

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