yes my Baby usually drinks 3-4 oz but sometimes he stops at 2oz
This began happening at the peak of teething. For us whenever my baby didn’t finish her bottle it was due to mild discomfort or she’d just prefer sleep over eating. I would offer the unfinished amount within a 30 minute window and sometimes she’d finish it sometimes she wouldn’t.
He just started to drink 4 ounces during day and 3 ounces at night about a week ago, but I noticed for past 2 days I can’t get him to go past 3 ounces even if I wait and try to give it to him again he won’t take it. Like he prefers to sleep than eat.
@Sequoia when do babies start to teeth?
@Sunnie hopefully he goes back up to 4 ounces then next week. I just start to worry and think something could be wrong since we going backwards. But besides that he seems fine and acts normal.
@Fatimah I’m glad to hear it’s not just me, and hopefully he goes back up again. I just worry a lot since he is my first.
@Belle I also started to offer her the bottle again after 15-20 minutes or so and she’ll usually finish the rest. She’d eat like 2-3 oz first session and then 15 minutes later after burping and letting the milk settle she’d finish the rest and go to sleep. Maybe that could help you?
@Belle mines began showing signs at 4mo but I believe babies can teeth as early as 3mo. One thing I learned about teething is that it’s off and on. First tell-tale sighs aren’t always a screaming baby
@Sunnie that’s what I do and he Barely eats the 3 ounces 😂
@Sequoia he’s not even 2 months yet so I guess teething is out then 😂
@Belle oh goodness, I did scratch my head on that one lol. But don’t completely rule it out bc technically babies can teeth whenever it’s just most cases happen around 4mo
Same. My two month old was drinking 3.5-4oz and is down to 2-3oz per feeding. Will ask pediatrician about it on friday
Calculated is very helpful thanks @Aline
My kid recently also prefers to sleep over eat. It’s like he will cry that he’s hungry and then when I feed him, he falls asleep after 1 ounce and doesn’t want to wake up, so it takes me almost an hour to feed him 3 ounces because he doesn’t want to wake up
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@Stef it’s just worries me when he won’t eat and prefers to sleep or when he goes down in intake
@Sequoia hopefully he starts to eat normal again and quits wanting to sleep over eat soon
@Belle pediatrician is having me fortify her milk with 1/4 tsp of formula once a day to increase her calorie intake. Her weight wasn’t where we wanted it to be
@Stef well I’m glad they are helping her. For know we are just trying waiting to see if it becomes a habit or if he goes back up. Pediatrician isn’t worried yet.
My baby want from 4-5oz to 2oz. She seemed fine and didn’t notice any differences in her behavior. In a week or so it went back up to 4-5oz🤷🏽♀️