Mixed babies

Hi, I’m a FTM to a mixed baby - I’m white and his dad is 3/4 Jamaican. Baby seems to be missing some melanin 😅 and I think that it’s upsetting his dad a bit. Do mixed babies tend to get darker?
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He’s only 3/4 my babies dad is fully black and my baby is as white as me. It can take up to two years for babies to get there colour

the colour shouldn’t matter whether it’s a lighter mix race or a darker mix race, it all goes down to genetics and it definitely doesn’t look like your baby is missing melanin, sorry to say but your baby is beautiful as they are

@Sherise 100% he’s a stunning baby! Was being a bit tongue in cheek, I love him just the way he is - I just think his dad wants him to look a bit more like him 😅

My husband parents are mum- 1/2 white 1/2 Caribbean and dad- black African. I'm White. Our little boy is 4 and has the same skin colour as me, has absolutely no melanin. To my husbands dismay, I often forget he is mixed race😂

My baby started getting dark at 2 weeks old one is dark and one is white like me I don’t think your baby will be getting much darker

Also, your son is really freaking cute!

No 🤣 if they’re not born dark they can’t get darker. He shouldn’t be upset about the race he chose his baby to be xx

Mixed babies come in all different shades. My two mixed babies look completely different. One has brown eyes, one has blue eyes. One has brown hair, one has blonde hair. One is darker skinned, one is lighter. We come in all different shades ❤️

There is no set complexion to mixed children (or any children). There’s a variety of genetics at play. A mixed child can lean towards either side.

@Hannah his skin colour doesn’t matter, I think he’s more just looking for some of himself in the baby, we obviously adore him just the way he is 🩷 your daughter is absolutely beautiful x

@Kiarra I love your matching outfits!! He is beautiful, like his mama 🧡

@Ki he is stunning!!! 😍

I see. U never know bang might end up with his exact hair type or a middle between u both. He might grow to look like a light version of his dad. Babies change so much in first few years of life. And thank you 🫶🏼

I have a mixed daughter, she’s lighter than me but everyone say we look alike. The features speaks more than the skin tone

You husband being 3/4 Jamaican would make your baby only 3/8 … so that isn’t enough to show I don’t think, depends on what else your husband is. If he is white too chances are baby is going to be mostly white appearing 🧐

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But either way your son is beautiful

Lol getting with someone of a different race and then complaining when the baby doesn’t look like u is jus wierd asf. 🤦🏾‍♀️ Bt I’m a black African (I’m mixed with nothing bt black so my black genes are very strong) and my Husband is white American (jus like many Americans) he is mixed with a bunch of stuff bt his ancestors are mainly Scandinavian. Our son is “mixed” bt looks more like me than his father, because my genes are obviously stronger. Ur probably very white with no other racial mix & Ur partner is only 3/4 Jamaican, which means he doesn’t have that much melanin in him to begin with. Ur baby is white because both of ya’ll are white. Ur Husbands 3/4 Jamaican would have shown up in ur baby if ur Husband had a baby with someone who had black in them.

Our little man looks JUST like Dada in facial structure (Congolese), but has much lighter skin (like a shade darker than me). When he was born he just looked like a very dark-haired white baby, then got a little bit more olive-y as the weeks went on. His hair also started out straight but is now a full-blown Afro, so that will probably develop too 😊

Yes he can get darker, especially with sun exposure. My son was really light skin at birth until 2yo, and I have other examples in my family. But your partner shouldn't care about that. He might have more of his feature, skin colour is not the only thing he gave his son. Cute baby btw

My partner is South Indian, so quite dark and I am full white. It’s just such a gamble what the child will get. My boy is white passing and it is a little upsetting for my partner. It’s just hard to see him and his family in my son. These comments suggest that would be a horrible attitude but it’s ok, we all have complicated feelings. The children aren’t loved any less. My partners side of the family claim our sook doesn’t look anything like him, so that’s sad to constantly hear for him. At 18 months and past summer seasons… he hasn’t got any darker

Eh genetics are weird. My brother is brown with brown eyes and I’m pale white with green eyes

@Marie they do get darker.. my friends boy was white as anything and now he’s dark.. my son was born white and his melanin started to come in a few months ago and he’s getting darker.. it’s really common for this to happen up to 18 months to 2 years. Some babies even look completely different. The same with hair texture some are born with white straight Caucasian texture and by their third birthday have a thick Afro texture hair x

Why so many bent out of shape about colour of kid? Yes the daddy didn't think about genetics.. maybe he's light skin Jamaican man and his black gene is lighter. Anyone that studies genetics here or interested.... ? Yes there are factors, that matter is mix puzzle but remember... generally genetics for skin is many genes.. if its 30 different genes. It could be any mix, 15% of all light genes from mum and 15%all light genes from dad..... or 15%dark mix with 15% light... any way most don't know but if mummy skin is prone to sunburn and you're white, yes baby will too. If your skin absorbs sun and you look lik burnt toast after lik Italian, that is cause your skin is olive. Boys takes on mostly mum skin tone, black dark mum,+light white dad = generally darker baby... If mum white snow from sweeden+ black dad from nigera= whiter or light brown baby...Yes there r exceptions..ppll. don't know what they mixed with also & some ppl say dark but they mean brown skin... not really identifying the color correctly

Ps. Colour doesn't matter.. yes it does... for science purposes and understanding it, if you never had this skin colour and for health reasons. The dad isn't a scientist clearly. Maybe insight would help him. Also most ppl here upset are mixed with black and white. Last the baby looks for passing Caucasian.. maybe puberty will get ethnic looking but still be whiter... so knows but the direction as dark. Chill

@Ali that baby isn’t passing for white lol not for anyone who knows anything 🤣 And most of us that mentioned the fact that you can’t predict what color your child will be. We’re not bent out of shape because of her. We are just saying that there are white women, I know some personally, that intentionally procreate with a black man to have a certain color in certain hair type for their children. And get disappointed when they turn out lighter or darker than they imagined.

@Kiarra I agree with the last part. I personally know alot of non black women AND even black men who go on to have kids with each other bt get “dissapointed” cuz the kid doesn’t look like what they “expected” Like I personally know mixed race couples who treat each other & their baby like an accessory. It’s very weird to me.

I’ve just realised a lot of commenters are from the US and I’m British - don’t think the humour translates very well over Peanut 😭 me saying baby is missing melanin is very clearly a joke, to me anyway. And I certainly haven’t had a baby with a black man in order to have a baby of a specific colour, just to be super clear.

I'm sorry, I gotta ask.... what's FTM in this context? I feel so old not knowing the new abbreviations lol

@Robin ftm on this app is always first time mom

@Kianna THANK YOU! I was racking my brain thinking what on earth could that stand for.

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@Robin lol!! It’s okay I remember first hearing some crazy abbreviations as a ftm 😂🫶🏼

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