I didn’t with my first and won’t be doing it with my second (due less than 2 weeks). My most fear was the pain, infection and the process of a baby going through it and I didn’t want to see my child suffer through it. My husband wasn’t circumcised so we both had a mutual feeling/agreement.
Only for a medical need will my some be circumcised. It wasn’t ever a thought until the dr told us
If I had a baby boy I would get him circumcized as it is a lot healthier best wishes
I find it bizarre that it’s so common in the states when there is no medical need. I will definitely not be circumcising my boy when he’s here.
Unless no need medically then there is no reason to do it
There is NOOO real evidence that it is beneficial or Cleaner or healthier to violate and mutilate your baby!! If you’re too lazy to teach a child to clean themselves you shouldn’t have children.
First I would like to ask if you’re a Jewish family? Circumcision is a Jewish practice, and I have no idea how it became so prevalent for all little boys to get circumcised. If it’s for religious reasons, talk to whoever you get your spiritual guidance from. If not, talk to your doctor and make sure there is no medical need.
Should be illegal unless medically needed.
2 boys here and I would never circumcise! There’s no need for it. Just teach to clean properly and there shouldn’t be any issues. If it wasn’t supposed to be there it wouldn’t be
@Babyboo this is totally untrue and has no evidence to support it.
@Babyboo there is NO scientific evidence that mutilating your baby is healthy. Your TikTok research doesn’t change that. “”There have been several studies into circumcision and the risk of other STIs, but the evidence to date has been inconclusive and conflicting.””- NHS website What has staying at home got to do with not mutilating your baby ? Where is the correlations? And also SAHM’s are judged all the time. Someone judging me because we can afford for me to stay home doesn’t bother me.
@Babyboo why you blocking me after replying to me 😂 weird.
It’s genital mutilation why on earth would you want to put your baby through that for no other reason than how it looks. To say it’s for health reasons is bullshit, just don’t be lazy and teach your child how to properly clean themselves. Smh. How is this is a question and still a thing people do in this day and age with all the information we have about it. Smdh.
No, never, why would you put baby in so much pain and stress 🥹
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Neither of my boys are - there's no medical reason to so I wouldn't needlessly put my child through that. It's so easy to keep a penis clean, and girls are much more susceptible to infections so there's really no need 😊
Lots of people here replying from the UK ... Not something we do here and we really don't understand why it's such a big thing in the US!
If I ever have a son he won’t be circumcised - I’ve seen people say it’s better or they wanted to make that decision for their son, but to me it’s not your decision to make, it’s their body.
Both of my boys' dad is circumcised so he wants both boys to be as well. We did it for my 3 year old when he was a day old and will be doing it again when our other son comes in March.
I believe it’s genital mutilation unless medically necessary. It’s like chopping off a finger just in case you trap it in a door.. :(
I left it up to his dad bc i didn't go thru that pain, imo, i looked at it as i didn't want someone to tell me how my pain level was giving birth, i wouldn't like it if someone did, i wouldn't like it if someone didn't do something just bc they felt a certain way, a lot of moms don't cut just bc they don't want to see their kid in pain, neither did i, however i left it up to his dad, he chose to do it, recovery time was until we left the hospital, he still had stitches that i had to care for, but he wasn't crying or flinching in any type of way bc of it.
I'm due in March with a boy, and no, I will not get him circumsise. His dad is circumcised but he doesn't want his son to be, and I agree it's unnecessary
Unless there is a medical need I would never ever circumcise my son if I ever have one. My husband was circumcised due to phimosis that couldn't be rectified by stretching. He says yes it was painful but he doesn't remember that time. I guess it's a bit like birth you know it was painful but it's a fuzzy memory for most of us
I have 3 boys and all of them are circumcised. I left it up to their fathers because how can I decide something about a penis I’ve never had.
I’m not going to lie I’m a single mom so I didn’t have it done because I don’t know whether he’d want it done. I have no problem letting him get it done when he’s older, or if it becomes a health problem. But to me in my eyes it’s his decision if that makes sense. Just felt wrong to do it to his body when I don’t know if it’s what he would’ve wanted
My son will possibly be circumcised due to medical reasons but his nearly 6 years old now I never did it as a baby because for me there is no need, boys should learn how to keep themselves clean without having to have their foreskin cut off
My second born will be due in May 2025. I’m having a boy this time. I do think we will circumcise him in the hospital after birth.
I'm from the UK and it's not done here unless medically necessary. I don't understand why it's so popular in the US, if the foreskin wasn't meant to be there then they wouldn't be born with it. It helps protect the head of the penis. Removing it means they will lose sensitivity. The risk of the foreskin causing issues in later life is minimal. Cleanliness is not an issue in the early years as it cannot be retracted anyway, you just need to teach your son how to keep themselves clean. Mum of 2 boys here and it's not something that would ever cross my mind!
There are risks to circumcising a baby. You should look up those. There are no risks to not doing it though and he can decide what to do with his body when he’s older. And please ask for the process, I did ask….it’s horrible and that babies heal so fast isn’t a good reason to do it. Penis owners or not, no one should be deciding about anyone else’s body, 101 consent right?! 😒
I am leaving this decision up to my son when he is old enough to understand. I respect people’s decision to circumcise but personally I wouldn’t want someone mutilating my genitals without my consent and so I will not be doing that to my child That being said if and when he chooses to get circumcised (after making sure he is very well informed) I will support him 100%
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I just always chose to do what the dad had. All my boys had dads that were circumcised. I’ve also known a handful of men who had to get it done as adults and it really sucked for them as they had already started using it and it just kinda ruined it for them…so for me, I’m getting my sons done currently pregnant with done when he’s born next year! This is my 3rd son!
All my sons are. I left the decision up to my husband. I’ve never had a penis I am not male. He knows more about that than me. He wanted it done for my boys so we had it done.
These poor poor babies 😢
Absolutely not! I would never consider it and it wouldn’t be socially acceptable where I’m from except for medical reasons
Should we start on getting girls ears pierced too or is it too early lmao
We originally didn’t but then had a medical need when he was older. If I have another boy I probably won’t do it unless something like that happens again
I personally believe that this is a bodily autonomy issue. You either believe they should have autonomy from birth or you don't. It's a cosmetic surgery (look at how it's billed) that imo should only be done if medically necessary or if they so choose to be circumcised. You can't undo any damage other than more surgeries that may or may not correct the issues arising from the surgery.
@Hannah amen to this!
I was to scared too. And didn’t want my baby in pain, so I left it up to his dad and his dad isn’t so he didn’t want our son to be questioning and wondering why his is different so we did not do it. And my husband got told the cons and he was like nope lol
With my oldest son my husband said "I have a penis and he has a penis so I get to decide what to do with it. I'm circumcised so he will be too". After having to change my nephew who isn't while watching them I felt it was harder to clean than my oldest so I decided to with my youngest also.
@Helen My husband also had a circumcision later in life due to phimosis, but I'm guessing your husband's was pre-puberty because my husband has VERY vivid memories of it lol. We still decided against circumcision for our son, but I really really hope there isn't a genetic component to phimosis because having that done as a teen...oooooof.
i don’t really see the need for it tbh. unless it’s for a medical need, it’s so unnecessary!
I’m deciding to leave it up to my husband , he’s against circumcising so baby will be keeping his foreskin.
They asked me if I wanted my son circumcised and I'm sorry but that is very traumatizing to a baby, especially when they've been enough trauma through their life of while trying to come out of their mother. So no I told them absolutely not. They're not going to touch my child and they're not going to circumcision. I will teach him how to clean his PPE when he takes a shower or after he goes pee . Because with a boy you teach him how to clean their pee pee and after they use the bathroom they clean their pee pee and you also teach him how to put up their foreskin . And clean under it and stuff .
I’m personally against it bt I’m also not a male. So I left it up to my Husband and he said it was best if we circumcised. Even tho Im personally against it, I don’t know any male who isn’t circumcised. And I didn’t want my son to feel odd abt it or feel different. If I had to predict the future, I think my son would eventually want to remove the skin on his own, bt we heard it’s a lot more painful and traumatic when they are older so we chose to do it when he was still a new born.
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I’m circumcising mine.
I didn't and wouldn't unless for a medical reason
As someone that has been a caregiver I am leaning towards circumcision. My grandpa had to get it done in old age due to medical necessity and I had a client that constantly was hospitalized due to infections. For a while I was leaning against circumcision, but my husband is very pro circumcision and I feel like he as the man should have more say.
Its really not the "done thing" in the uk. Not to say it doesn't happen, but the large majority is uncircumcised. A certain group of people on this app would have you believe all of our men are running around with deranged gentials because of this 🙃😂
My husband decided to get our son circumcised. But I would have done it even if he said no for hygiene reason. Plus it does hurt way worse when they’re adults. It heals in one week when they’re babies. So I don’t see what’s wrong with doing it. 🤷🏽♀️
Don’t do it! There is honestly zero reason ( unless medical need) that it benefits them.