
My baby is on day 7 of weaning - she only has a few spoons of whatever I offer her and then turns her head away and doesn’t let me feed her and is disinterested in picking up and putting the finger food in her mouth (usually puts everything in her mouth) Is that normal? She’s just turned 6 months for reference. How much should she be having?
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They only need a couple of spoonfuls of purée at first so don’t worry, some babies take a while to get the hang of it but keep offering finger foods and just let them explore it, my baby doesn’t like it when I hand her things, I have to place it down and then she will pick it up. There’s an Ella’s kitchen guide on how much they should be having which I found very helpful xx

A few spoons is fine 🙂 it can be a bit demoralising at the start when they don't look interested or don't eat what you make but it'll get better, my little one hated food when we started, used to clamp his mouth shut. I made so much stuff that didn't get touched and was thrown away pence a day I used to put him in his chair and let him eat/touch what he wanted, after a month he started eating little bits and now at 9 months I would say he eats well and tries lots of foods 😁 don't worry, before one it's for fun

Just for fun before one. Don’t stress about feeding. Wait until they’re interested. The best you can do is offer or let them play with food to get used to it. They don’t absorb ANY nutrients from actual food until one. Keep breastfeeding/ formula feeding as usual until she’s more interested. Respectfully, you’re stressing yourself out. Try rice crackers, puffs, fruit but don’t try to force because it will only make it worse.

Mine is 11m and still barely eats I’m trying really hard to get her to eat more as doctor wants us to start switching to regular milk from formula in a couple of weeks. It’s not going great. She has her moments where she wants to eat and then there’s days on end where she will not eat anything solid.

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