My boy is still having a bottle for nap time in the day and then for bed time. If it comforts them I don’t see the problem 🤷🏼♀️
Ah ok great! I realised I hadn’t actually thought about it then I did a little google and it said to stop soon. But he loves his bedtime bottle and it’s part of our settle routine before bed. Just wasn’t sure if I was ‘doing it right’
My boy won’t fall asleep without one 😳! X
My boy eats so much at dinner now he barely ever needs his milk. I learnt he would refuse it if he was full and I kept wasting it so now I only offer it if he doesn't eat as much as I know he can. I still offer it in the morning because he only has breakfast at around 8 at nana's house but wakes up at 6:30, but he is also now refusing that and choosing to steal my breakfast
It's really normal and sadly lots of mums don't seem to want to say their toddler still has a bottle but amongst us it's an unsaid thing that many many still do and we ain't bothered they'll drop it when they're ready x
Well my boy is 16 months and he loves his milk he has morning and evening bottle sometimes he has a third too!
my boy still has morning and bedtime bottle
I’ve got a little milk monster over here 🤗 milk at nap time, bedtime, middle of the night and on odd ocassions when she wakes up! I used to stress about it since everyone is recommending to stop milk once on solids. But I learned to just follow her and they will outgrow this phase at some point ❤️
Mine also loves his milk, morning and night. God forbid we skip those. I shudder to think of the screams lol
@Marina same here! My little girl would be distraught if we stopped morning and night bottles 😅 there’s no harm in it, my nephew was having bottles until he was 2.5!
My lb only has his bedtime milk but half the amount he was having. He had a sickness bug and for a couple days barely drank it, then after he only had a little when offered and tats what he’s stayed at. He still has it out of a bottle as he refuses to drink it out of a cup or anything else. X
My girls still having a bottle at bedtime, I will stop it when she doesn’t want it anymore. As she gets older I will just change what she’s drinking the milk out of xx