How many ml per day?

Formula babies who are on 3 x meals a many ml / oz in total are your little ones having now? Thanks :)
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I'm still making 4x7oz bottles so 28ozs but the last 2 days he hasn't finished 2 of them so thinking to start dropping the 2 day time ones to 5/6ozs soon or doing one of the bottles curious what others are doing

I make 3x 6oz. But the morning one she would only have 3/4 oz from, 5oz from afternoon and generally all of the night time one.

I've been making 4 x 8oz, she will finish the first and last but 11am and 3pm bottles were getting between 5/6oz so wondering whether to drop them or just keep offering the more amount in case she suddenly wants it

28 Oz a day 6 Oz at breakfast most mixed with porridge or weetabix and the rest for a drink 6 Oz at lunch time as a drink with lunch 8oz at around 4pm Tea at 5pm 8oz before bed x

8oz bottles x3 offered 7am she will drink 8 when she wakes 1pm she will drink 6/7 after lunch 7pm she will drink 6-8 depending on how much dinner she had

Last week he was barely eating and only drinking 3 bottles = 27oz This week 3 meals and 5 bottles =37oz 🤯 Can’t keep up with him lol just going with the flow

4 X 7oz, but has not been finishing a couple of them lately, it's usually 7am, 11am, 3pm, 6.30pm. solids at 8am, 12/1pm and 5pm

During the day 4x7oz bottles and other than last night a 4/5oz around 2am/3am. First time in AGES that our daughter actually slept through - she woke around 12:00 but settled back down by 12:25. Woke again at 6 had a bottle and went back down. I’m hoping this is a breakthrough with her sleep but not holding breath 🤣

Depends on the day usually 3-4 8oz bottles

So I’ve noticed she’s feeds more at certain points of the day so I make the following 4oz, 5oz, 6oz and 7oz for bedtime. Including three meals as otherwise she ends up wasting so much x

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