Help please I hate it and Idk what to do anymore

What do y’all do when your 6 year old constantly lies? I’ve tried redirecting explaining and talking. I need help changing this because she six now and I don’t want her to grow up thinking it’s ok and the thing to do
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Just keep explaining what happens when you lie. It's a whole phase. Just constantly reinforce good habits and let her know she's not in trouble you need to know the truth for her safety. Is there a kids show she likes that has an episode on telling the truth?

It's developmentally appropriate. Addressing it is important but also understand she's just maybe avoiding punishment or testing boundaries. It also might be to get attention. Just remind them that lying is not okay and encourage them to tell the truth. Discourage the behavior without labeling your kid as a "bad kid". (Which you're not doing in this post i just think it's an important distinction to make)

@Victoria no but i show her videos on YouTube about lying im constantly telling and explaining to her that lying isn’t ok and it gets her in worse situations and that it’s important to b honest but its like Nuthn works

@Caitlyn her dad doesn’t punish her at all neither do I because it’s not my place but idk because I keep trying and it gets nowhere it’s kinda getting worse for example we will see her do something and try to redirect it and she’ll look at you and say she didn’t do it or that you are lying I honestly just don’t know what to do and I hate for it to carry on once she get older

Well truthfully I don't know that punishment in this case is really appropriate? Keep reinforcing telling the truth and praise her for telling the truth. If it's a feasible option for your family, you could seek a family therapist to help you all navigate this season of life. Good luck ❤️

Thank u

Oh my goodness, we are having the EXACT same issue with our 7 yr old son🙄 it started when he was 6 too & it's literally SOOO exhausting to deal with!! We've tried everything we can think of... telling him he'll get a lie bump, explaing consequences come from the actions you choose, different punishments, sometimes actually having HIM choose the punishment, holding books in the corner, time out, taking his toys, taking away playtime & TV time... it's like the more we try to get him to understand we know exactly when he's lying & that he'll get in more trouble for lying... The more he thinks he can outsmart us🤣🙄 How can we stop him now before it gets worse?

@Kailynn I’ve tried it ALL and it’s very exhausting because it’s like I’m the only adult in the house that finds it disturbing even down to the lies that get police involved and almost causing teachers their jobs or even other kids in serious trouble I be praying that one day it’ll stop but it’s like it get worse and worse by the day

I’ve tried recently telling my daughter that when she lies her ears turn red, and she now is more aware and can’t look so she doesn’t really know lol its prob terrible but I do explain also how lying is bad and blah blah lol

honestly my son tries to lie to me and bluntly honest with him and am like look lying can end u up in somewhere bad and u don't want to go there and we don't lie in my house and if u keep lying to me and I'm taking all electronics from u for a month . Tell u can start telling me the truth and u have to tell the truth just In case ur ever dangers

6 years olds are hitting wayyyyy different in this generation 😭 I caught my daughter in a lie and she kept lying 🤣💀 but we punish her and take stuff away. We give her room to be honest and before we ask her to explain we let her know that if she lies there will be consequences 🙃. Sometimes it works sometimes it doesn’t but we don’t give even though old school parenting doesn’t sound too damn bad at timessss🤣

@Sam for real . Like there's been a couple times I had to stick my son in the corner or spank him on his butt

Yeah, we've definitely tried everything under the sun... telling him he'll get lie bumps, explaining how dangerous it is to lie, explaining where he could end up (not in detail to scare him but to at least get him to understand), the belt bc look these kids ARE indeed very different lol, corner time, push ups, wall sits... it's honestly scary bc it's like when are you going to LEARN?? WHEN??? Is it me? Am I too hard to where he feels like he can't come to me with the truth? Am I too easy on him? Typically, his Dad is the disciplinarian, I'm just Mommy lol. So maybe that's it? But then we can always tell when he's lying, we keep telling him that too. I don't think he cares🙄🥺 Y'all should hear the stuff he comes up with... like both of us were born yesterday🙄

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