I personally had to formula feed for my mental health and i felt guilty but it was the best choice i made
I take it with a grain of salt 😂 i do both breast and formula. I use formula for my mental health, there were times were I felt bad for it but I also had to do what's best for me
Lmao I don’t understand how you can possibly be hurting your child by letting him feed himself with a bottle. And there’s always those people that say “that need breast milk” but as long as your baby is eating and healthy that’s all that matters. Plus as much as that mom was swearing your killing your child by giving them formula, I bet she gives her 6 kids milk that’s from a cow…. 🤷🏽♀️ people just love to judge because they think they Always know best. I formula feed both my daughters and they both been in the 99% since birth. My daughter just turned 3 and is wearing 4-5 T in clothing and is up to my belly button (I’m 5’8) she was bigger than 90% of 4 year olds when she was 2 and my 9 month old is wearing 12-18 months currently both perfectly healthy And happy.
Wow that mother was way over the line to you and had no right to say those things. Cut her off.
Grain of salt, because every baby is different. I honestly hate how social media has such a strong influence on where children should or shouldn't be at any given age.
Girl, that crunchy mom was going through something. Probably her 6 spoiled children shoving sticks up her ass all day while she "gentle parents" them. (In quotes because if you do it correctly, there's nothing wrong with gentle parenting.) Those milestone markers are averages, not the rule. My baby was rolling as a newborn and started army crawling at 8 weeks, but she had issues using her right side because of how she laid in the womb. So her right side lagged behind and she had to do PT for it. Now she's back to hitting the benchmarks, sometimes riiiight at the end of the age range, but she gets there. Every baby is different.
I think sometimes people get so caught up in these lists and forget that humans learn at different paces. I also think. That sometimes people prevent children from excelling in other areas by hyper focusing on meeting only these milestones of those milestones and not recognizing developing skills in other areas and feeding those.
I'm pretty sure me propping up bottles and using the bottle holders was worse. I was so happy when my son started holding his bottle on his own. My son was tongue and lip tied and could not breastfeed until he was 2 months old. Heck he even had issues bottle feeding before we had his ties released. He was also getting pumped breast milk from a bottle
🤣if you take everyones advice you go crazyy no fed is best though regardless! My mom was telling me how in the Caribbean they could only afford formula maybe for the first couple of months after that it was rice milk, or start to give them baby food mashes up im sure nobody died even though those babies didnt get the right nutrients they still fed