Yeaaaa I would be livid and my family knows that. I've made it very clear. My girl is EBF, but I'll pump for bottles. Never has had formula but I do have formula for an emergency along with frozen milk.
Yes, if you don’t feed formula you don’t feed formula. That’s not up to anyone but you to decide
Having it as a backup is never a bad idea. But if that is not what they plan on using it for and also did not consult you on what kind of formula or anything else, I could understand being livid.
I’d very much be upset if it was clear I didn’t want to use formula and was having no trouble with breastfeeding- latching, supply, etc.
Yeah I wouldn’t be happy, I would tell her it isn’t to be used at all and I would pay pretty close attention to if they give it behind your back
Yes! Like why … now you’re crossing a line smhf
Yes!! I would tell her she isn't allowed to give the baby any formula without my permission. And like someone else mentioned, I'd keep an eye to make sure she isn't feeding her formula behind your back.
Yeah my MIL wasn’t able to breast feed due to supply issues and my supply was always fine, but any time my daughter went through cluster feeding or a growth spurt she’s bring up “do you need just in case? Just in case? What if ___”. Always seemed on edge, likely because of her own experience. I had to make it clear that my supply doesn’t have issues and it is a personal preference to EBF. I’d be clear that the formula is not to be used and your supply is fine as is.
My question is are you fine with MIL feeding LO formula at any time and as often as she sees fit? My mother is just like this! they are new to being Grandmas and sometimes that motherly instincts wants to kick in even though it not their place. I would cut her a break. But I would tell her something like.. If you think she’s hungry bring her to me and I’ll feed her. If you give LO formula my supply will reduce and breastmilk is the healthiest option for baby. If you want to give her formula and I’m not there, please call me first.
Additionally, anytime she is feeding little one, she should let you know so that you can pump at the same time to help your supply
I absolutely hate this. I don’t formula feed and I constantly have to hear everyone’s failed stories with breastfeeding like they are jealous that I am??? Just because you breastfeed doesn’t mean you need to make a supply but I don’t always pump either like once a week maybe and that’s enough. I’m tired of hearing “you should give him formula to keep him more full to sleep at night” like NO thank you. If ur bf and they bought formula it’s ignorant honestly.
Especially with the fact not all formulas go good with bf babies tummies.
@Gianna I agree with you. I personally am struggling with breastfeeding and have to supplement right now. I hate that I have to, but I know I can fix my supply issues. I am thankful that someone told me to do the research and choose a formula I'm comfortable with as an emergency, just in case thing. But when I'm producing enough milk, my little guy only gets my milk because that's all he needs.
Uhm well if you don't want to use formula then I wouldn't be happy. I'd tell her she can keep it for emergencies... like if you get hurt and hospitalized or something but otherwise no it's not going to be used. I don't do formula because we really don't need it