With the excessive drinking and eating, I'd go to a ve45-6terinarian and have them do a superchem and a T4 test. If dogs are sick or excessively hungry, this can make them act out.
@Katie there’s a lot of things to consider when a dog bites a human. Not saying she bit anyone. My ex husband had a rottie and he bit people for absolutely no reason. Maybe it was based on his instincts but like he was way wrong. He bit a random woman at the park like she passed us and he knocked my ex to the ground to go bite her leg. Sorry I went on a tangent. I just don’t want my dog to be like this. Also, she hated me when I was pregnant but now she sometimes follows me around and my son is 2.5 yr old. She always takes his food! I’ve been telling her not to do that since he has started eating while playing. Idk I don’t want to take any chances on her biting us. I feel like I have to watch my back more. I seen her pin another dog down like she could’ve killed that dog.
Ill just piggy back a previous comment, she should get an exam and a senior panel of bloodwork done. Increased hunger and thirst are usually indicative of disease, which can coincide with behavioral issues. Schedule an appointment with her vet.
I've been in similar situations but towards food aggression and the closet thing I had was a sack of potatoes🫣 because words and tone were not enough. More exercise will help in some situations, to get rid of excess energy and to instill closeness