Anyone else struggling? It hit me in waves with my first but with my second it's like every night. One night it got bad and I thought I was having heart problems. I used to never be anxious about anything. My 10 month old took a little tumble at the park, not even a bruise but I'm now in bed all but panicking about it. My husband's deployed so it just me and my thought so I know that's not helping either.
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Girl. I had anxiety before, but my PPA made me feel so crazy!!! You're definitely not alone. Personally, medication was a huge help for me. I'm on zoloft and just had to have it increased because I'm pregnant again, and my anxiety is increased because of that to the point of heart palpitations as well. Also, my anxiety is through the roof when my husband is on a week-long work trip, so I can't even imagine him being deployed. Do you have other support you could reach out to? Maybe a parent or friend who could spend the night and ease your mind? My mom lives 2 hours away, so she always sleeps over when she visits, and it's literally like a slumber party lol I love her so much.

I’ve been in the same boat! When I first gave birth, I was so anxious and thought if I didn’t watch my daughter every second, something was gonna happen to her. I slept with my face pressed up against her bassinet listening to her breathe and got 45 minutes of sleep every night for a week and made my mom watch her if I had to go to the bathroom. It got so bad I started hallucinating. I had to get on anxiety meds but my biggest help was talking to a therapist. He gave me cooling mechanism to fight the anxiety and figure out what was anxiety and what was mama instinct. You’re doing amazing mama. You love your baby enough to think about them every hour. This mama business is tough! And you’re succeeding!!

I meant to say coping mechanisms…my 2 AM spelling is not the best 🤣

Have you gotten your thyroid checked?

I have super bad PPA 😫

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