It’s not a bad thing at all! Make the most of it, because when they move out of that phase it’s exhausting! 😂
Agree with both comments above 😊 my son is 8 months and will independently play but I never let him our of sight. When I leave he will sometimes cry for me. Enjoy the phase! 😂
Nooo, encourage it too 🩷 my little girl always loved independent play and still does. She’s happy to entertain herself now as a toddler which means I can jump in the shower and never had a “shadow”. She’s very social still in nursery and soft play, still loves other children and sharing but happy and content to play alone. Put the kettle on, enjoy not having your hands always full xxx
No it’s a really good thing!! Let him crack on and enjoy some peace ✌🏻 My daughter is exactly the same and I used to worry if she was a little *too* independent but I read that babies who are happy to play and explore alone are just very secure in their attachment because they know they can always come back to you ❤️ you are the secure base that allows them the freedom to enjoy the world at their own pace
Fat baby awww 🥰
What is childminder??
It’s so important for them to get uninterrupted independent play for their development so don’t feel guilty at all!
My son always played independently and still does. It gives me time to myself to shower or eat or have a minute to relax
My boy was the same at that age but once he started walking he became the opposite! Now he rarely plays on his own unless he’s trying to get into a cupboard or something x
i always go by “don’t try and make a happy child happier”. i know it’s hard battling the guilt sometimes but if he’s happy, definitely leave him too it!
@Virginia it’s like a daycare inside someone’s house☺️
@Sam oh I love this saying!! It makes so much sense, I will definitely be using this to remind myself in the future😂
@Sky ahh this is good to hear. Thank you☺️
@Charlotte that’s made me feel so much better thank you! He always comes to me if he needs me🥹 I will stop stressing so much and try and relax whilst watching him play now😂
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@Amy he’s definitely a chunky monkey who enjoys his food😂
This is amazing! As long as you have some meaningful interaction time, let him play as much as he wants! You've obviously created a secure attachment, and an environment where he feels safe and loved.
Its not bad. My 7m old will play independently for about an hour and a half before she realizes i exist and wants me
I love how chunky he is omg obsessed!!