Once the bottle is started they recommend discarding after 1 hour from when they started due to contamination from their saliva (instructions on back of packet of formula). The nuby rapid coolers are great you just put the boiling water up to the mls you need and then add the formula, shake and wait then shake again and tip upside down press the top and if it’s green it’s ready, amber wait a little longer and shake/repeat. It says it takes a few minutes but I’ve often found it’s quicker than that! It does take a while for the rapid coolers to cool down ready for use again though
I use the rapid cool a little different to how they say so I can use a few times when out if needed. I have a flask of hot water. Say I’m making a 7oz bottle, I’ll fill the bottle to 7oz with the boiling water, I’ll then tip 5oz into the rapidcool, use the remaining 2oz for the hot shot so will tip the powder in and swirl, then once the 5oz has cooled down, I add this to the 2oz with powder in the bottle and it’s made up. This means that the rapid cool has only had water in it so I can use again if I’m out long enough that my little one will need another feed. Hope that makes sense 🤣
@Steph this is what I’m thinking of doing but how would you sterilise the coooler or do you not if it’s only had boiling hot water in ? X
@Sophie you don’t need to as it’s only had boiling water in it ☺️
I use the hot shot method so only hot water goes in my rapid cool. I sterilise once a week in Milton x
1 hour after babies drank some milk and I use the hot shot method for rapid cool, I’ve never put the formula in the rapid cool as then you’ve gotta faff around with sterilising it!! X
Coolers are excellent when you need to make a feed quickly from boiled water will take just a few mins to cool, they are easily carried around when my baby was younger such a life saver even at home.