Meal times

I’ve never been a big breakfast or lunch eater and tend to eat late but obviously baby needs to eat at decent times. I’m not planning on starting 3 meals a day immediately, we’ll start breakfast and work up but what times do u feed them? His sleeping all over the place atm, we’re still in the after effects from the 4 month sleep regression. I am planning on getting a table so we can implement family eating
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Start with dinner then if it’s more convenient for you and I’d recommend a floor travel high chair until you get a table I try to always eat at the same time as baby to create good habits

We eat at 7/7.30am breakfast 11.30 lunch and 5pm dinner. This is at weekends when we have all meals together. Weekdays breakfast at 7am (he has lunch at nursery) and we have a snack dinner at 5.45.

I started with lunch and then moved to breakfast-lunch. Will be introducing tea at the weekend too!

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