Personally I asked 1000 questions at every midwife appointment and I was low risk. I would 1000% be asking why and educating myself on the subject so I could make informed choices throughout the journey. Good luck x
No wasn't told but I did have my 4th early at 36w6d
@Shannon my midwife just wasn’t able to explain anything properly tbh, I’ve asked questions but just never got a clear enough answer.
@Sam ask another midwife, request another midwife. She’s not doing her job.
She must have given you a general reason 🤔
No reason given, just that it’s flagged on her list that I needed to be booked in for more scans. I of course asked questions. I’ll request to see another midwife x
@Sam Did you go into labour naturally early or were you induced? You will have extra scans because your previous baby was born early.
@Terri this is my first! X
I would literally ask why they think you are at risk. Did they check your cervix maybe? Any pathology?
she didn’t give a reason why? that’s strange, especially so early on
That’s odd. Definitely get a second opinion because a provider shouldn’t just say something like that because it’s “on her list.” There must be a reason and someone else can talk to you about it, educate you, etc. Good luck!
I’ve spoken to another midwife who’s explained it’s a moderate risk of placental dysfunction, which could lead to early labour. Apparently it all comes from the Tommy’s app which spits out an algorithm to tell you if you’re low, moderate risk etc. Got to have extra scans to check on the growth, which I guess is not the worst thing x
@Sam at least you get to see baby more! hope everything goes well xx
At the end of the day baby will come on its own time, and when he/she is ready, if she is not willing to provide you with the information you need then you need to think about either switching your midwife or getting a second opinion because even though sometimes yes they are correct, othertimes they say/do things that are just unnecessary ((all depends on circumstances))
But why tho!!