Trapped Gas Relief & Formula

Hi all! My little ones just coming up to a month. In the last week she’s really started struggling with trapped wind and is barely sleeping for longer than 1 hour stretches as she’s clearly in discomfort. I pump and feed breast milk as much as possible and then top up with kendamil ready to feed if my supply isn’t where it should be that day. But I’m having real trouble with burping/winding her. She doesn’t seem to bring anything up and I try for half an hour and nothing seems to work. We’re using infacol at the moment but any advice would be greatly appreciated. Looking to potentially change the formula to the kendamil goat as it seems to be gentler on tummies but any advice would be great. As I’ve tried every winding position on TikTok and she doesn’t seem to bring anything up with any of them!
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A midwife recommended trying this if infacol didn’t work. It’s more expensive though

Commenting to see responses as my little one is the exact same, a month today and the last week really struggled with trapped wind! 🥺 Xx

Im combi feeding too & switched from kendamil to aptamil comfort because I had the same issue + constipation.. he’s much better so far 🤞

Same here .. i only breastfeed .. tried infcol , nonrewlly helping , colief but is a pain to administer , biogaia- helps a little, and now we trying the kendamil drops .. i feel so bad and helpless 😓

@iulia would love to hear if the Kendamil drops work, as I’m considering trying those too. Hope you find some relief soon

Second the kendamil drops! X

Biogaia and belly massage

i use infacol for my lb as he’s struggled with wind from birth xx

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