Threatened miscarriage

Looking for stories of people who have experienced this. I’m super worried and upset. I’m 6 weeks pregnant and had a lot of bleeding and clots, went to hospital they scanned me and said I’m measuring more 3/4 weeks which makes no sense so they cannot tell at this stage if evening will be ok I have to go back in a weeks time to see if it’s grown. I feel like it’s stopped growing a few weeks ago and as a result measuring 3/4 weeks because I should be 6 minimum. All calculations back to my first day of last period. I feel like I just know I’m miscarrying, how an earth can I have so much blot and stomach pains and everything be ok? Anyone else relate or in the same position? I feel like this next week is going to be killer.
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If you are bleeding to that extent I would say it’s definitely a MC. I’ve been miscarrying this week actually at 6 weeks.

I had bleeding around 10 weeks that landed me in the ER just gushing out clots the size of golf ball wouldn't stop. I continued to bleed for 1 whole month after. Im currently 25 weeks not all blood ends in miscarriage sending you postive vibes 🙏

Hi, I'm so sorry you are going through this. I had a threatened miscarriage at 11 weeks, and by 12 weeks, it turned to a full miscarriage. I was bleeding so heavy, and the pain was unbelievable. I kept being told it's all okay and had 2 scans, and everything was fine. But deep down, I know it wasn't fine and that I was miscarrying. I measured what I should of been, so they weren't concerned. I felt like I was being fobbed off. Horrible experience. I hope you are okay and looking after yourself. Here if you ever want to talk Praying for a posotive ending for you xxx

Sadly, I am suffering a MC, I also had heavy bleeding and blood clots. Pain didnt start until after I knew it was a mc. Was bleeding for two weeks straight. I just made it to 10 weeks. Try to stay strong. X

@Elisha I am so sorry you are going through this. Please look after yourself and I am here if you ever want to chat xx

@Elisha it’s awlful isn’t it. Was it confirmed to you at the hospital your having a miscarriage? I haven’t stopped bleeding for days now and the clots are big 🥲 I don’t know how they can’t tell me already and I have to wait a week x

@Emmy Thank you ❤️x

It is. I had to see a gyn at the EPU unit, they couldnt confirm it but said its likely a mc. I was then booked in for an internal scan the day after which confirmed it. I had to go for more blood tests 48 hours after to ensure the pregnancy hormome was dropping. Sorry you have to wait a week. They treated mine as urgent as I was bleeding quite heavy, soaking through pads. I had no pain the whole 2 weeks I was bleeding, untill the day after I found oit I had mc, worst pain ever, 10 hours of non stop contractions and 6 baths within 12 hrs :( sending you a hug and hopefully its not a mc x

I just experienced this. I went to an ultrasound thinking I was 10weeks. I was told I was measuring at 5 weeks. I started spotting a day later. After a week of spotting that turned into slightly heavier bleeding, I went to the hospital because of really heavy bleeding and cramps. They tested my hcg level which I had just tested two days earlier and it had dropped 5,000. It took me a week of false hope to find out 100% and even though I suspected it, it was still heartbreaking. I hope your story ends up different than mine! Sending good luck your way!

@Taylor aww I’m so sorry. I know mine will be the same there’s no way with the amount of blood, clots and pain that it will be a happy ending. Trying to find peace in the fact it’s this early on rather than later down the line 💔 thank you sharing your experience xx

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