I have been giving my little one a 5oz bottle of expressed milk before bedtime since she was 6 weeks old. She used to just wake up once or twice in the night. The last month or so had been absolute hell, she was ill for two weeks so waking away half hour coughing, we then started to transition out a swaddle bag and now we are in the depths of regression 🥲 been waking every hour for well over a month now and it’s really starting to take its toll, I’m the only one who wakes with her in the night so it’s all on me
Giving formula instead of breastmilk at night to make them sleep longer is a myth. I couldn’t breastfeed and only gave expressed breast milk and I truly thought formula would make him sleep better and it didn’t, he still woke every 2 hours for a feed. It was only until I did a course run by a midwife that I learnt it’s a myth and doesn’t change sleeping patterns at all x All I can advise is be consistent with your bedtime routine, same hour window every night, same naps during the day, same wake up every morning. Is there anyone who can help while you catch up on sleep?xx
@Rosie unfortunately not in the week as my husband is often out at work from 5am until 6/7pm. At the weekends he does try and take her in the mornings. She is definitely in a sleep regression which really isn’t helping, hoping she comes out of it soon 🤞🏼
I feed a bottle before bed but expressed milk. He has 180mls at present and occasionally has a boob top up. I've done this since 2 weeks old and he always had just 1 wake up at 4am ish (sleep 7:30-8) but now he's full into regression and teething and poorly so doesn't help with sleep but he still only has 1 feed during the night.