Could this dull ache / crampy feeling be PGP?

I’ve been having bad pain in my hips and the side of my thighs for a few weeks now when walking or laying in bed. It gets to the point where I just cannot walk. For the last 5 days, I’ve had what I would describe as cramps or a dull ache in the very lowest part of my abdomen and hips and it is pretty much constant. I’ve seen midwives and doctors who say it is not linked to the baby or premature labour but the pain is ongoing. Today I’ve done a lot of walking and this evening it is EXCRUCIATING at points. Like awful cramps and if I make sudden movements I get a strong pain in my groin. Has anyone experienced PGP as an ache or cramp as well as sharp pains?
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Definitely pgp I'd say, make sure you sleep supported, pillow between your knees to make them even to your hips

@Sarah this is really helpful. Thank you. I had no idea that PGP could manifest as strong, dull aches and cramps in the groin. I thought it was only sharp pains!

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