My husband previously worked night shift and would out my two toddlers (2 and 3) for a nap around 12/12:30. Two weeks ago her permanently switched to day shift which means I’m responsible for naps now. They both REFUSE to nap for me. I have tried nearly every thing.
They share a room and dad would just go in and tell them to lay down and they gave him little to no push back.
Any advice is appreciated but my real question is.. if they’re both refusing would you just stop trying? The days seem to be less stressful when I do that BUT once 4pm hits my youngest is a nightmare and my oldest starts acting like a maniac. They’re so over tired it’s hard to get them to eat dinner and settled for bed. They would probably both nap with my husband when he gets home but that’s around 4/4:30 and that would drastically interfere with bed time.
I honestly am at a loss. I have thought about just driving around to get them to nap so our nights won’t be miserable but I don’t want them to start to rely on the car to fall asleep. 😩
I would keep trying, but I love the free time I get when my son naps. In the past when he seemed like he no longer needed a nap I found I just had to adjust his sleep to wake ratios. Usually i needed to push the nap back and bed time as well.