Anyone else’s baby suddenly refusing all savoury foods?!

13.5 months and not having any of the usuals favourites.
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Omg yes, will eat sweetcorn/fruit/yoghurt all day long, but goes wild if I offer anything savoury! Glad we're not the only ones!

Yes! Trying to get him to eat lunch and dinner is a nightmare. Anyone would think he's being hurt when I even show him a spoon of his dinner x

😂😂 saaaame! But breakfast she'll eat loads of porridge and toast. I was really worrying about it but she's sleeping well and happy so just isn't hungry I guess 😬

Please try not to worry, just continue to offer the foods to your baby/toddler & they'll eat it eventually. My eldest went through a phase of only eating carrots if they were cooked/serve in a certain way. Best thing not to do is to not to react or, make a 'big deal' of it.

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