@Rachel thank you for this ❤️
Not a first time mom here, second pregnancy, but the feeling of bringing a new baby home after 7 years, scares me…you’re not alone, I’m sitting saying I hope my 7 year old doesn’t feel left out, then I’m saying I hope my newborn feels the love and i do everything right bc it’s new to me doing this again…it’s just your mom nerves. I’m sure you & baby will be Okay! 🙏🏾 safe delivery !
Even though I’m happy and excited now, it still somehow feels surreal and like a lot. What really helps me is that my mom will be around for the first weeks and I feel like I can just fully rely on her during that time if I need a while to adjust to the new normal. And also, how can we truly grasp and imagine something, that we never had. If you’re still unsure, maybe you can ask a person that you trust to have an extra eye on you after you return home to watch out for signs of postpartum depression to help and guide you immediately. Overall give yourself some grace. It’s new to all of us and maybe it’s even good that you don’t just romanticize the time that’s coming up, looking at all the struggles we will also phase in that newborn stage. I think it’s important to just have an open mind for this whole process and you’ll learn to live and grow with it, grow into it.
It’s easy for me to imagine my partner caring for the baby, but it’s so hard for me to imagine myself as a mom. 😶🌫️ It’s just such a massive change from how I’ve seen myself.
FTM here too - it’s so hard for me to envision her here. Like i can’t even imagine her on the outside 😂 i was telling my friend about that and she said she felt the same way but then as soon as her daughter was on her chest - a flip switched and she felt totally different. I’m hoping the same is for me! It’s just so hard to imagine her here even though that’s what we’ve been working on for 9 months 😂
I understand what you mean! It’s hard for me to imagine having her, holding her, caring for her, all of it. I think it is because it is so new and something we’ve never experienced before. I am excited, but also anxious and my mind doesn’t always like to stay positive. But I also have had a healthy, uncomplicated pregnancy. She reminds me she’s in there and doing well all the time. We’re going to blink and they’re going to be home with us.