@Josie thank you for your reply! This put me at ease x My lil ones been sick lately so he’s having one proper meal at breakfast and picking at fruit and other bits throughout the day so I feel like I’d rather he has his milk too and if that’s from bottle it’s fine for now x
My lg was really Ill a couple of weeks ago and she stopped eating so milk was her only fluid nutrition intake I’d rather her have a bottle than nothing. I had a meeting with the hv last month or so ago and she’d only worry about the milk intake if she was having a third in the day and waking up in the night for a bottle or 2 which she doesn’t she said ideally to not use bottles but that’s an opinion of hers
We still use our Tommy tippee bottles in the morning and before bed 7oz in the morning and 4oz before bed I havnt really thought when to stop or change cups everyone is in such a rush for them to grow up that I don’t mind her comfort in having bottles it’s not like their meal replacements for us just part of a comforting routine