14 weeks here, 14lb/ 6.3kg and between 26-32oz, really depends on if she’s having a good day or not. She does around 5-7oz per bottle 5x a day but on her bad days she will have 3 or 4 then stop so I try to do an extra feed somewhere, usually a top up just before bed when she’s sleepy and less likely to kick up a fuss. She sleeps 8/9 till 6/7 even on the days she drinks less so I’m sure they would let us know if they were hungry x
My 7 month old has never drank more than 750ml in a day, bad days could be as little as 550ml and on average we hit around 600-650ml. She has CMPA and silent reflux (which she is on omeprazole for), both of which directly cause her feed issues which have been so bad we regularly fed her at least 75% of her feeds while she was asleep as she’d scream and refuse otherwise. She also only weighs 6.62kg at 7 months!! Despite all of this and a lot of worry caused by our HV, GP and dietician our paediatric consultant isn’t concerned at all. He said as long as she’s happy, healthy and active in herself and having wet/dirty nappies then she’s fine. He said he’d be concerned if this changed or if she had more than 2 days taking 50% of her ‘normal’ x
@Jade I have been on omeprazole for 20 odd years now (I’m in my 30s) and I found over the years it’s definitely reduced my appetite. So I wonder if it has similar affect on babies. I can survive on one medium sized meal a day easily and not crave extra Similarly to you, HV is scaring us while GP doesn’t seem that concerned, and given that she has silent reflux he said he’d not expect any different really x
@Joanna this is literally me 😭trying to squeeze a feed somewhere whenever I can so I can bring her up to 700ml at least x
My daughter (just about to turn 5 months) on the bigger side (91st percentile). She drinks about 1080a day. 6 bottles of 180mls . She weighs 8kg. She also sleeps 7.30 until 6/7. Every baby different though. Think this way more then what she “should” be drinking.