Im in the same boat. trying to figure it out but if I do leave, im not sure if I could live on my own with having an 8 month old though.. but also don't want to be using him either and we just haven't connected much since I found out I was pregnant...
Agree with Clara. A lot of relationships do unfortunately end within the first 2 years of having children. And I can see why. Hormones, sleep deprivation, desperately missing the time where you could have a shower without asking, or rushing while you do have a shower, arguing over finances, one parent doing more than the other resulting in one parent burnt out, overstimulation, jealousy of the other parent (dad jealous of mum spending all day with baby, mum jealous of dad getting adult interaction with no baby responsibilities) it is a lot of pressure!
The first year is tough and this has definitely crossed my mind a few times but I was advised by others in my position not to make any big decisions about my relationship in the first year after a baby. I have had some tough conversations with my husband since the baby, and it wasn’t comfortable but sooo worth it because we understand each other a bit more. We realized a lot of the tension came from miscommunication, lack of time for each other and ourselves. If you can, try to carve out regular alone time and one-on-one time with hubby 👌🏾 Seriously put it on the calendar so it’s dependable and constant-game changer!! I now have regular therapy, go to the gym a few times a week ( 🙌🏾thankfully mine has a kids club), and we get a sitter once a week to spend time alone together. It doesn’t solve everything but it has made a huge difference! Good luck, you’re doing great!!
@Alexis see my problem is I can try to have difficult conversations but my husband hates conflict (how he was raised) so I can talk and then he doesn't know how to cope so I basically get the silent treatment. He changes what he's doing for a few days and then reverts right back 😞
Oh I see. Maybe try writing down your feelings in “I feel” statements, things you need from him to feel supported and what you like to do in the future to avoid conflict. Show that you’re open to hearing him too if need be. It will allow you to say your piece without being shut out and him time to process your words without becoming triggered and shutting down. Then after some time you can ask to talk about the letter? Also realize there is only so much you can do if he won’t meet you half way but hopefully this works!!
Research shows most relationships end in first 2 years of child's life but it takes about 2 years for mom to even get back feeling 100% themselves I personally broke up with SO but neither of us wanted to see other people so we still live together just don't have a relationship title lots of changes in both lives I think that talking it out and finding the source of where this stems from will help alot and I hope you get through this