Milk Allergy
Doctors are no help at all and keep fobbing me off!
My baby has had diarrhoea, suffered from reflux,back arching during feeds and cries out in pain, and very congested pretty much since birth. Doctors just kept saying it is probably normal for him. Mentioned it again at his 8 weeks jabs and was given baby gaviscon. That made him worse so went back a week later after doing some of my own research and self diagnosed him with a milk allergy as he had all the symptoms. He’s been on Aptamil Pepti 1 now for 9 days. I’ve added some pictures of his “poop” first picture was on normal aptamil and second picture is on the pepti 1. I think it looks better on the pepti 1, but it’s still green. He’s still passing very stinky wind and not pooing for like 2/3 days. Is this all normal for a baby with CMPA? Please help! I’m going mad here! Thank you xo
Sending you a big hug because we had this (April 2023 baby) and know how stressful it can be. So my knowledge aptamil pep 1 still has some milk in- some babies are ok on it but some need a complete CMPA free. 9 days they may not change as can take up to 6 weeks. Personally I wouldn’t wait that long as you know your baby, if uncomfortable and not happy then ask for a second opinion from a dietitian. We were lucky to be referred to a dietitian (seperate from our doctors) and was seen in 2 weeks (essex based) but can see that is not common from this group. Baby gavison cause our boy constipation so used with gripe water and then as the milk is so thin used carobel. Made our journey a little easier For our baby always made a fresh bottle seemed to help. We found it a mind field and probably took 3 months to get the right mixture for us! X