@Samantha my last shot was in July so I haven't taken any in October onwards. Started getting mood fluctuations in Nov and also been bloated lately apart from noticing the weight gain. I did also have some breat tenderness in Nov too but thats gone now. I was thinking its probably the hormones like you said. I read online it takes about 10 months for the hormones to settle. Was it similar for you?
Yeah can take a long time to settle back out. If you’ve not had a bleed yet it’s likely just your hormones all over the place. For most people it’s upto 18 months until you’re back to normal but others it’s longer. I started getting regular periods within the year and then everything started to calm down and I was able to lose weight etc from there x
@Samantha thanks so much!
I was on this for about 10 years with a couple of breaks. I gained weight on it that’s been so so hard to lose. I initially came off it for that reason! Your body is probably just trying to regulate now. When did you have your last one?