Weight gain

Any other moms who have EBF their baby gain more weight than when you were pregnant? I am at the heaviest I’ve ever been. I thought BF would make me lose pregnancy weight but I’ve just kept gaining. I wasn’t even this heavy when I was pregnant. Im starting to wean my baby off and get him on formula now. Don’t know where to begin with weight loss; it’s making me really insecure about getting back into the real world. 😭
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You aren’t alone! I have really been struggling with the weight gain. I can’t believe I’m this big

I stopped breastfeeding end of October same time I decided to do something about my weight after letting it creep up. I’ve set myself an overall goal (lose 30kg) with 2 milestones 1st is lose 10kg which will take me to between pregnancies weight 2nd is lose 20kg which is the weight before babies and 30kg which is my dream weight 😂 I started by putting a post on here in the hope it would hold me accountable. I then tackled my diet as I’d slipped into eating chocolate ALL the time. For me I’m a pull the rug out from under me kind of person so I just had to go cold turkey, used slim fast (not an ad, doesn’t work for everyone and won’t be for me long term) I then committed to doing some sort of home workout while baby napped. Coming to the end of week 6 now, have lost 7.7kg, built up to doing 30 min workouts 4-6 times per week. The key things for me were 1) starting 2) trying to do a little more each time 3) being kind to myself, celebrating my small wins Good luck, you've got this!

Prolactin levels can often reduce the ability to lose weight, which I know sounds mad as most people think breastfeeding helps to lose weight due to burning extra calories. Sleep deprivation doesn't help either. Hang in there mama you're doing amazing x

I really really understand where you are coming from, I'm combi feeding, and I am also at the heaviest I have ever been. I've been walking a lot! And doing other exercises three times a week. I'm not even eating in excess, which is mental. I had to have a blood test for some other stuff, and my prolactin levels were just below 3000. I had a KIT day last Monday and have another two in December. Nothing fits right, it's feels horrendous! Can't even afford to get my hair properly done on MAT pay...but then I remember this beautiful little human and try to give myself some grace.

I was in such a horrible place stressing over this, I saw a nutritionist and starting dieting allowing extra calories for feeding which has gone well, the advice in other comments is really good BUT … 2 nuggets of wisdom my mum gave me: “100 years ago fat mamma fat baby was the GOAL” and “the best fed pig makes the best roast”. This time will pass, you will get back to how you feel comfortable, love yourself as much as your baby does xx

Thank you ladies! Nice to know I’m not alone! Did not know about the prolactin thing. That really sucks. I know we should be kinder to ourselves but easier said than done. I’m proud that my body created a beautiful human and fed him too! But I really wanna look “normal” again 😅

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