This was my exact experience with my first baby. I was induced and ended up with a Kiellands forsceps delivery which resulted in an episiotomy, massive tear and a 3 1/2 litre blood loss. I found the recovery really tough so completely understand how you feel. My only advice is to take it as easy as you possibly can, it does get better but if you do too much too quick then you will feel it. My community midwife told me to air the area as much as possible which definitely helped, I used to just lie in bed with no bottoms on. Also ice packs all the time, constantly had one in my knickers and this helped with the swelling so much. Hope you start to feel better soon!
Realistically it will probs take a few months for you to start feeling ‘back to normal’ as long as you don’t get infections. I had an infected episiotomy so my recovery from that took 5 months but that’s quite a long time - it’s only because it was a bit more complicated from the infection. Slow and steady.
Thank you all, I really appreciate all your comments, they help so much xx
Sounds like you've had a pretty bad birth and I know its hard in the start but I can't stress how much patience pays off in the end. I tried jumping back into every day life and exercise to fast and all it does is delays the recovery. If you're someone who struggles to enjoy relaxing, I'd say set yourself future goals and in the meantime just attempt to find a binge worthy series and try to enjoy the fact that your only responsibility right now is you and your baby, everything else can wait. But if you try to get back to things to fast it will only delay the process. I had second degree tears but no forceps so I can't imagine how you must be feeling but rest is 100% key. Additionallymoi found taking my baby to a massage class was good because it got me out the house, met other mums (which make you realise we're all going through the same) but it wasn't strenuous and was good bonding time with baby. Hope this helps even a little