Bigger baby panic

Any advice or support right now would be very helpful. Full panic mode. Had my last scan this week and baby is measuring bigger than he should and I’m having to have a gestational diabetes check. This is fine I’m not bothered about that. However I did google (I know I shouldn’t) what it might mean to have a bigger baby and I’m now panicking about an episiotomy, c-section and just general pain in labour. My water birth plan is now out of the window due to the size of him and all my hypnobirthing work seems to have gone out of the window. I guess I’m just seeking some support or comfort in my current panic. I’m 36 weeks and 3 days and tbh just feel so scared and unprepared for what could come and just wanting him here now so I can stop the anxiety. 😔
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I had an episiotomy and forceps with my first, 3 stitches afterwards and a really straightforward recovery (she was 8lb 4 but tried to come out with her hand on head) I also had an epidural (didn’t originally want one) but I genuinely think that having bf this made me enjoy my labour so much You’ll still be able to use all the tools you’ve learnt through hypnobirthing too! And remember, growth scans can be 25% out so aren’t always accurate xx

I have GD and my baby is measuring in the 75th percentile. I will be consultant led however I have been told I can still have a natural birth, water birth etc. Why are you unable to do these things? Have you met with an obstetrician that has specifically told you this? I’m asking to make sure I am not being told false information

I had a scan on Wednesday this week! And we were told that since our last scan 2/3 weeks before, she had jumped up in weight, and is now measuring 6lb 7. We were told to look up shoulder dystocia and have a look at an elective C-section booklet, as if she carries on in this growth rate, we will end up with a 4kg baby. I’m trying not to panic, as people I have spoken to have been told similar things about their babies weighing a certain amount, and when they come out, they are smaller than this. We have our next scan on Christmas Eve, so I’m going to see how her growth is, I may have to have another induction, and possible sweep, which i had an induction with my last baby, so I’m not too bothered, but with it being my last baby, I would of liked my waters to go naturally. I have my 36 week appointment on Friday with my midwife so I’m going to talk to her! Try not to panic, everything will work out well xxx

@Chloe I was told that because of them having to monitor me throughout they can’t have me in the water and I’m now classed as ‘high risk’ so can’t be in the water birthing room as I’ll need to be closer to the doctors etc. So they said it won’t be possible and I’ll have to be in the normal labour ward. A lot of information was thrown at me so not sure what all the technical wording is but they were very adamant that I couldn’t be in the pool which had been my focus from the start xx

@Bryony thank you, just think it’s completely thrown me off. Everything’s been so straight forward and no issues raised that I was shocked to hear that things are now a little bit more complex. I just think I’m panicking 🙈

@Catherine - I’m in a similar situation, 33 weeks and told about the risks of a big baby (95th percentile?) and potential induction and risk of shoulder dystocia. It scared me a little but also trying to stay calm and realise that the hospital will stay on top of it and make sure he comes out healthy 🤞💪

I think they always over estimate size of baby, they said my first bubba was large and he was 7lb11. I know a lot of others they say that to as well. Also, that being said - sometimes they could be right so follow their advice. I have gestational diabetes 2nd time round and you get monitored so much more, so try not to worry!! Also, I had an episiotomy and yes it wasn’t pleasant and recovery was tough but I don’t think any labour isn’t really painful (or at least recovery), so try not to panic and go with the medical professionals x

That was meant to read I think all labour is painful in some way or another (or at least recovery)!

Thank you, I just want to know that everything will be okay for me and baby boy. Just think as it gets closer it gets scarier! Xx

I had forceps and episiotomy with my first baby and then a c section. Just make sure you are numb before they do it. Ask to otherwise they might not (like me). But even if they don’t , the scar and healing is ok after. Once you’re in the moment of labour you won’t care too much what is happening as you just want your baby ❤️

I’m in the same boat as you. I had my 32 growth scan Friday and they couldn’t get a head measurement so she’s apparently estimated at 5.15lbs already! I had a consultant appt after and she scared me so much with talks of other options etc. There measurements isn’t always accurate so I’m keeping that in mind to try not to worry but it’s hard to:(

In my hypnobirthing course I learnt that scans in later stages are often inaccurate when it comes to assessing the size and most of the time they measure babies larger than they are. That’s why the 12 weeks scan is only used to assess the gestational age of babies. Also there’s a good podcast with many I formation on birth and labour. One of their episodes talks about big and small babies. It’s called the great birth rebellion. If you still want to have the option for a vaginal birth I’d recommend you to inform yourself outside of hospitals as they have their standard procedures and generally like inducing and c-sections.

How big is baby supposed to be? If you're induced then you can't have a water birth but if you're just labouring naturally I don't understand why they've said you can't have a water birth. Also, please remember, they can advise you to labour a certain way or be induced etc but they cannot force you to. It is still your choice. NICE guidelines for suspected fetal macrosomia are either expectant management OR induction, based on mum making her own informed choice

I had a kiwi and episiotomy with my first, wasn’t told I was having a ‘big’ baby until I went into labour 😂 delivery was fine, I was actually induced so went fairly quick and she was born 8lb 14. I once read that it didn’t matter the size of the baby….the pain is the same 😱😂 To be honest my 3 have ranged 8.14-7.9 and I couldn’t say that one was more painful than the other. You and baby WIIL be fine, try not to get too worked up xx

@Gemma what’s a kiwi? Out of curiosity aha x

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@Alex it’s a small suction cup, believe it’s less harsh than forceps…just needed a little help at the end 🙂 xx

Ahhh yes, like a ventouse!! I had to have forceps 😬 xx

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